One of the questions I get asked a lot is: “How do I create my own custom board which uses OpenDeck firmware?”. There was never really a stable way of...

There were few interesting additions to OpenDeck software from my last post which was about v3.1.0, so I’ll recap everything noteworthy in this post, as well as some other stuff.


Presets are one of features I’ve been asked the most about. In this post I’ll talk about the implementation of presets in OpenDeck software.

24 February 2015

Building Ceylon

This is a long overdue post about Ceylon, another Shantea Controls controller, only this time, one that I’ve built for myself. Of course, it’s based on OpenDeck platform.

02 December 2014


In this post, I’m going to talk about collection of libraries that make up the OpenDeck platform, and why it’s important to really understand your code well.

Last time I wrote about OpenDeck SysEx protocol, there were still many unsolved problems and issues, together with lack of functionality. Since I actually released OpenDeck software on GitHub couple...

MIDI is a great protocol. One if its best features is System Exclusive message - the only type of message in MIDI protocol which doesn’t have defined message length, that...

In the last few days, I’ve finally put all of my ideas into one, coherent project called OpenDeck. For those of you who don’t already know, OpenDeck started...